“Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application”

In August of 2024, NHTSA issued advanced notice for proposed rulemaking or ANPR) for short in 2014 for V2V technologies that could have an impact on the safety of motor vehicles on the road. NHTSA conducted detailed research identifying the benefits and challenges that can be foreseen from this technology. They summarized their finding in a report and this blog is a short summary of the contents of the report.
In the report, V2V is defined as a crash avoidance technology. This approach to V2V seems to be more reasonable as the other technologies that refer to V2V in improving vehicle efficiency are yet to show any benefits that would surpass the cost of implementation. The research estimates a saving of $235/vehicle after 2020.
The research highlighted that the two V2V technologies defined below,
IMA – Intersection movement assist
LTA – left turn assist
have the potential to save the following in 1 year:
400,000 – 600,000 | Crashes |
190,000 – 270,000 | Injuries |
780 – 1080 | Lives |
They found an 80% reduction in non-alcoholic crashes.
The research identified 3 infrastructure level safety applications of V2V technologies worth pursuing:
a) IMA
b) LTA
c) Emergency brake light (of the vehicles not in drivers’ sight)
Three vehicle-level applications highlighted in the research are:
a) Forward Collision Warning (FCW).
b) Blind Spot Monitoring
c) Do Not Pass Warning
All this communication takes place in a 75 MHz range in 5.9 MHz band.
Cybersecurity becomes incredibly important when safety-critical information is being shared among agents of the road. A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based security system is a solution where a Security Credential Management System (SCMS) vets V2V devices with new certificates regularly. This is how a receiver of a V2V broadcast message could verify if the information came from a trustworthy source and only then take appropriate action.
There is a clear indication to not share any private information of the driver. There isn’t enough mention of how “private” information is defined. There is a need to anonymize driver information to be shared/forwarded.
All in all, the report provides a brief of the V2V technology in its current state. It highlights with appropriate research the technologies that seem the most reasonable to pursue. This provides a guide to the technologies that commercial vehicle companies can focus on.